Cemix invests in recycability
We dispel a myth! Traditional "paper packaging for dry mixes" is not just paper - it contains a thin layer of PE sandwiched between paper layers. This composite packaging makes recycling impossible! Traditional "paper packaging" is therefore at the bottom of the waste hierarchy: it is a waste for disposal. But let's look at this topic step by step.
Why PE packaging?

According to the waste hierarchy, we must recognise that dry mixtures require packaging for transport and protection. Packaging cannot be completely avoided for dry mixes, except for construction silos.

Minimise, reuse and recycle

After prevention - which seems impossible - the next best steps in the waste hierarchy are minimisation, reuse and recycling. And that's what we do!

Silos are only worthwhile for large volumes

A construction silo is a transport and storage container for bulk building materials. They can be used really long and often. Depending on the size of the silo, special trucks, cranes, etc. are needed for transport. The land must be able to support the weight of the silo, it must be accessible for trucks and an encroachment permit must be obtained for installation on public land.

Material handling equipment is also required to remove material from the silo. This requires a technician to hook up the equipment, adjust it and help with any problems. This is only worthwhile for very large quantities! For small quantities that may need to be hauled up to the top floor, sacks are unbeatable.

By investing in PE packaging, we enable recycling. But not only that.

Our PE packaging contains up to 50% recycled material. And they are 100% recyclable again after use. Our products packaged in durable PE packaging have up to twice the shelf life of products packaged in standard "paper" packaging. When the material in "paper" packaging becomes hard and cannot be used, the products in PE packaging are still in perfect condition. This minimises waste from expired products.

Products in durable PE packaging are also better protected from moisture. If it starts to rain on traditional "paper" packaging, which often happens on construction sites, it quickly becomes unusable. Cemix products in PE packaging minimise material loss and waste of resources. Cemix PE packaging has the thinnest PE film currently technically possible without neglecting its task: To protect the material so that it reaches the construction site in 100% quality.

And finally, before you buy garbage bags, you can use our PE packaging instead.